by Rick Miller | 17 July 2022
Don’t Feel Like Reading? Watch The Video! Occasionally, I’m moved by the Spirit to add to my collection of cameras and lenses. Usually this happens when I’m browsing yard sales, flea markets, estate sales, or eBay. I keep a running wish list of strategic...
by Rick Miller | 9 January 2022
In this unapologetically opinionated and admittedly unscientific post, I attempt to answer the question: Can you get good results with old-school Pentax 67 lenses on a Pentax 645Z digital camera? I believe the answer is a resounding “Yes!”, especially in the age where...
by Rick Miller | 3 July 2020
Criteria I’ve collected quite a few film cameras over the years, and I found it difficult to select my top five favorites. Having winnowed the field fairly quickly down to 8 semi-finalists, I applied the following criteria to pick the winners. I personally own one or...
by Rick Miller | 28 March 2020
How Time Flies Finally, after over a year since having received a thorough Clean, Lubricate, and Adjust (CLA) service by Mr. Youxin Yeat YYeCamera [ ] based in Canton, Massachusetts, I was able to take the mighty Leica M3 out for its post CLA...
by Rick Miller | 22 February 2020
I had the chance finally to take my Mamiya C330 Professional out for a spin and run two rolls of Ilford Delta 400 120 through it. This had been on my to-do list since the beginning of 2019 when I made this post: New Year’s Resolution: Shoot More Film in 2019....