703.608.0975 rick@warrenworks.com
January Camera: Update

January Camera: Update

I made a bold resolution at the turn of the new year. You can check out the original post here: [ https://warrenworks.com/hello-2025-a-year-on-film/ ] In it I said I’d select one film camera from my collection each month and use it to make images. Little did I realize...
Hello 2025 — A Year On Film

Hello 2025 — A Year On Film

Here is my only resolution, photography-wise, for 2025: Pick one film camera from my collection each month and use it as a daily shooter. That’s it. I know — I’m aiming high. I need a win here. As middle-managers are fond of saying, I’m going after some low-hanging...
Pentax 645Z with SMC Pentax 67 Lenses

Pentax 645Z with SMC Pentax 67 Lenses

In this unapologetically opinionated and admittedly unscientific post, I attempt to answer the question: Can you get good results with old-school Pentax 67 lenses on a Pentax 645Z digital camera? I believe the answer is a resounding “Yes!”, especially in the age where...
My Top Five Favorite Film Cameras of All Time

My Top Five Favorite Film Cameras of All Time

Criteria I’ve collected quite a few film cameras over the years, and I found it difficult to select my top five favorites. Having winnowed the field fairly quickly down to 8 semi-finalists, I applied the following criteria to pick the winners. I personally own one or...
Leica M3 Post CLA Shakedown

Leica M3 Post CLA Shakedown

How Time Flies Finally, after over a year since having received a thorough Clean, Lubricate, and Adjust (CLA) service by Mr. Youxin Yeat YYeCamera [ http://www.yyecamera.com ] based in Canton, Massachusetts, I was able to take the mighty Leica M3 out for its post CLA...