by Rick Miller | 22 February 2020
I had the chance finally to take my Mamiya C330 Professional out for a spin and run two rolls of Ilford Delta 400 120 through it. This had been on my to-do list since the beginning of 2019 when I made this post: New Year’s Resolution: Shoot More Film in 2019....
by Rick Miller | 4 January 2020
Bottom-Line-Up-Front The Leica M10-D is a remarkable camera. Its minimalist controls provide an uncluttered, refreshingly simple user experience that compliments your creative process. It is my first foray into Leica’s digital M ecosystem and I’m happy I waited until...
by Rick Miller | 30 May 2019
Over the course of a year (Jan 2017 – June 2018) I ran a roll of Tri-X through this camera, and when I finally got around to developing the film, I discovered it had a serious problem which I’d never noticed before. At shutter speeds 125th of a second and...
by Rick Miller | 1 January 2019
Happy New Year! It’s no secret I’m a big fan of film, but I’m ashamed to admit I slacked off in 2017 & 2018 and shot only a handful of rolls and developed not one. I’m now faced with a stockpile of aging film and chemicals nearing...
by Rick Miller | 13 November 2018
On 5 September 2018, I received an inquiry via my website contact page from Mark Stone-Brant: Dear Rick I was wondering which famous pro photographers actually used the Yashica TLR, It does not matter which models they used for their work. It is difficult to...
by Rick Miller | 25 June 2017
Sometimes you just wanna get close. Macro lenses offer close-focusing capabilities and you don’t need the latest and greatest lens to have fun with macro photography. My favorite macro lens is the Zoom-Nikkor 35-105. In this post I’d like to show you how you can get...